Our new Nursery Class is open! Contact the school office to book a visit!


The governors support the overall direction of the school, its policies and general expectations. Parent governors are your representatives on the governing board.

If you would like to meet or speak to any one of the Governors,
please email chairs@mcs.celtrust.org
Our Governing Body

Ms Katie Chandler - Community Appointed
Chair of Governing Body (Email)
Quality of Education
PE Funding
Pupil Premium
Mr Richard Cardigan - Community Appointed
Child Protection, Safeguarding & Looked After Children
Behaviour and Attitudes
Personal Development
Staff Experience
Mrs Claire Gurd - Community Appointed
Quality of Education
PE Funding
Pupil Premium
Personal Development
Pupil Voice
Mrs Gennara Bray - Parent Governor
Quality of Education
Health and Safety
Mrs Sarah Simpson - Headteacher
Mrs Alex Copeland - Teaching Staff Governor
Mrs Helen Hann - Support Staff Governor
Miss Christie Saunders - Clerk to Governors

Pecuniary & Business Interests of the Governing Body

A summary of the Governors with details of their term of office and any pecuniary/business interests they may have in the school can be found below.